Opening hours
From January 7th to Febrary 28ht 2025
From monday to friday: CLOSED
Saturdays, sundays and holidays: 10.00 - 18.30
From monday to friday: CLOSED
Saturdays, sundays and holidays: 10.00 - 18.30
From March 1st to November 2nd 2025
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday - Friday: 10.00 - 18.00
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: 10.00 - 18.30
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday - Friday: 10.00 - 18.00
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: 10.00 - 18.30
April 21st (Easter Monday): 10.00 - 18.30
April 25th (Liberation Day): 10.00 - 18.30
May 1st (Labor day): 10.00 - 18.30
June 2nd (Italian Republic Day): 10.00 - 18.30
August 15th (Ferragosto): 10.00 - 18.30
At the entrance you will find a large reception provided with a store (free entrance, admission ticket purchase not required)
were you can find all Volandia products related to the world of flight.
April 21st (Easter Monday): 10.00 - 18.30
April 25th (Liberation Day): 10.00 - 18.30
May 1st (Labor day): 10.00 - 18.30
June 2nd (Italian Republic Day): 10.00 - 18.30
August 15th (Ferragosto): 10.00 - 18.30
Admission fees
The ticket includes:
- Full Access to all the pavilions (Forms of FLight, Fixed Wing, Rotary Wing, Space, Drones)
- Planetarium Show
- Flight simulators (from the age of 12)
- Historical Movies Cinema
- Boarding on the MD-80, DC-9 e CH-47
- Access to the Commercial Aviation outdoor area
- Access to the ASI – Bertone Colelction (cars)
- Access to the Flaminio Bertoni Museum (automobili e sculture)
- Access to the Ogliari Transport Museum (rail & cables)
- Access to the outdoor playground
- Use of the Pic-Nic Area
- Access to the bars and restaurants
(Residents and Employees of Founding Partners, Military and Law Enforcement, Over 65, Airlines Employees with ID, Concessions). Teen Fare: (12 – 18): € 13 Children: (3 – 11): € 10 Babies (up to 2 years old): Free Admission Group Fare (min 20 people): € 9 Family Ticket 2+1: € 33 Family Ticket 2+2: € 42 For every extra child: € 4 SmartGuide Rental: from € 1 DISABLED*: free admission, all the area is fully accessible, reserved parking in front of the museum entrance.
*(The helper has reduced fare) One Year Family Tickets: Family Card 2+2: € 120 Guided Tours: € 2 per person (minimum 10 persons or 20 euro). Made by Associazione Amici di Volandia ONLUS.. FREE PARKING
To get more information
Infoline Park and Museum of Flight: 0331 230642 o 0331 230694Email contacts: -
In the days and hours of operation of the museum. Air Force Museum Foundation offices (groups, schools, events)
No only Tel / Fax 0331.230.642 (Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00).
E-mail: For groups and schools please visit the dedicated page on our website. Press Office (Alessia Quiriconi): - +39 3474831339
Operative headquarters
VOLANDIA, Park and Museum of FlightArea Ex officine Aeronautiche Caproni: Via per Tornavento n.15, Case Nuove 21019 Somma Lombardo (Varese) ITALY.

Tel. +39 0331 230.642 - E-mail:
How to reach us
Motorway A8 Milano-VareseExit Busto Arsizio:
On the Freeway SS336 follow the directions to Malpensa Airport.
Exit Somma Lombardo - Case Nuove:
At the roundabout follow the directions to Vizzola Ticino and Volandia, drive the SP52 till the area of the Ex Officine Caproni. From Malpensa - Terminal 1
From the railway station Malpensa Express, go inside the airport terminal, take the lift to the departure and check-in floor, go outside and get to the exit no.17.
Walk the way outside the airport till the pedestrian bridge which takes to the back of the museum, keep walking around the museum till you get to the main entrance.
Groups and schools
Reservation available at the entrance. All visitors can walk a pedestrian path to get to the entrance lodge and to the ticket office.