In March 1946 Mr. Edouard Joly and Mr. Jean Délémontez established the Societé Avions Jodel company to supply design and material kit to built the Jodel D.9 Bébé ultra light aircraft, designed by Mr. Délémontez himself. The D.9 was flown for the first time by Mr. Edouard Joly on the 22 January 1948. The prototype was powered by a Poinsard, 2 opposed cylinders, 25 hp, motorcycle engine. Further the aircraft was equipped by many different engine types, the most popular was the Volkswagen, four opposed cylinders, air cooled, power depending on the displacement (1100, 1200, 1600 cc etc.). The original design features a wooden structure, single low cantilever wing. The wing consists of two sections: the internal, rectangular shaped, without dihedral fitted to the trapezoidal external, with a 14 degrees dihedral. The flight controls operate over tree axes with the same method and procedures peculiar to the general aviation aircraft.
The aircraft marked a big sale success: it has impressive stability and handling characteristics thanks to the twin dihedral wing, it fly slow and stable, but, when stressed, shows its basic aerobatic capabilities.
It has been sold in more than 800 kits to many distribution/assembly companies and more than 500 units to amateur self assemblers. Mr. Graziano Macchi, the owner of the shown unit, personally accomplished the final assembly on the 21 October 2001.